Ertugrul Ghazi | A Real Warrior and a Hero of Islamic History

Orientation of an Inspirational Session Ertugrul, in which exploring the real story of a Warrior and a Hero of Islamic History.

Nowadays, Both East and West are Stereotypes Arabs in Bad image. They are depicted as rude, ill-spoken, overweight, and terror-related peoples. The simplest example of this is that when a terrorist attacks committed in a Hollywood film, the terrorist is often represented as an Arab. Because along with specific groups,  Hollywood also stereotypes of  Arabs to Bad Arabs impression.

Arabs are generally representing, and obsessed with belly dancers, billionaires, sheikhs, and bombers and these elements are important elements in the overthrown of the Middle East. According to the young filmmaker named Eyab Zahra, in every film they make, when an Arab says Allah, something explodes.

The sample of the study is Dirilis Ertugrul, a TV series based on the story of Ertugrul Ghazi, the father of Osman Ghazi, who gave the Empire of Ottoman tradition, shows the power of the kingdom. The aim of the study is to explore how the orientalist discouragement was constructed in the series.

Dirilis Erturgul will be analyzed with critics and in this article, the elaboration of the four sessions of the series.

A few months ago, I noticed my children watching a new Turkish TV show Ertugrul Ghazi I've had heard about it from my friends and colleagues. When my son insisting that I should watch it. PTV started airing integral in the month of Ramadan so my children were kind of glued to TV screens at the time of its broadcast. To tell you the truth there I made a mistake of watching one episode with my kids and after that, I could not stop watching it whether in repeat telecast or on YouTube.

The reason I'm telling you this is that after watching the first episode, it became hard to not watch it again correctors of the play the costumes and everything takes you 700 years back and show you the past of Muslims main corrector Ertugrul Grazi on with the place-based and what attracts you to this character of Ertugrul is a sense of justice. Many have fallen in love with the Ertugrul in Europe, Middle East Africa. And millions of people have already watched it in over 60 countries around the world.

Many of them, in Pakistan, is first came to know about it only after our Prime Minister Imran Khan recommended it. You will also be surprised to know that some powerful quarters in the West and the Middle East started criticizing it and disapproved of it, or buried altogether from showing in their own countries. But the popularity of this drama refused to go down. What makes it more interesting is that it is based on true stories and characters. And it shows us an interesting period of Islamic history.

Although our youth has been fascinated with fictitious Hollywood characters like Spider-Man, Xman, or Batman. But through this show, they are now getting to know what the real heroes are like. It also shows that a man with a beard or a woman with her full body covered can also look good and attractive. A lot of people have already made the pictures of her to grow Ghazi their profile pictures is on their social media accounts. The story of plays about the bravery of Muslim tribe, who established history's one of the biggest and lasting empires with the courage, faith in God, and strength of character. The best thing about this play is that all the dialogues of the display can be written golden letters. I consider them golden sayings, and people have started sharing them on Facebook as quotes. I would like to tell you some dialogues or sentences of this play. If you allow the enemy to keep even a piece of stone from our land, then the misery will fall on us.

Those with no dreams have no future, the strength of our enemy, the cause of our bravery. If we fall, the whole Islamic world will fall. As long as we remain firmly attached to our beliefs and traditions. Our heads will not bow, the Islamic flag will not fall. As long as we follow the path of Allah, no one will be able to bring us to our knees. If your heart is pure and virtuous, no evil force in the world can surround you. There is no sword better than Zulfiqar. Furthermore to say that no one on the earth is braver than hydrothermally. The real hero is the one who has the courage to rise again. After he falls down. There are two powers. One is the sword, and the other is intellect. Today, no sword has been invented that can defeat reason or mind.

I'm not afraid of death, but my death will be haram for me if I surrender before dying. The stories of our forefathers are not just lullabies for children, but to awaken the men from their slumber. Wherever a person goes, the sustenance already reaches there.

We prefer death, over betrayal and deception. Allah never leaves those who walk in the path of truth alone. The struggle is ours. But the victory belongs to Allah, who will either become Congress or martyrs, but the sound of our souls will be heard for thousands of years. Disappointed is forbidden for us. We are commanded not to despair of Allah's mercy.

See, if we hear the bangles have covered eyes today out of fear, our generations will crumble at the sight of oppressors. Even if the whole world becomes a tyrant, we will not be afraid of tyranny.

Do not try to ride a horse you can't control. The soul rests in the hands of those who know how to wield it. I will not forgive a traitor, even if he is my brother. I will protect the oppressed, even if they are my enemies.

We will reveal what is in our heart without words and death and the way of growth, even if the whole universe is against you, believe that allies with you. So the most amazing thing to me in this play is that whenever the scene comes, the corrector takes the name of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

Everyone else who's there shows respect by bowing his head and putting his hand to his chest. The story of display contains lessons of obedience to God, and the love of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Islamic pride on human welfare. The play also tells how to deal with the conspiracy, cunning and hypocrisy. I request all of you that during these lockdown days, you had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with your family, you must watch this drama along with your family. This is not only to teach children about our history, but to awaken our courage and pride as a Muslim nation. No matter how small your numbers maybe, if you have faith. If you have faith in God, no one can stop you from succeeding.

If we can remember the dialogues, the dramas of the 80s and 90s, then I don't think it is possible that those who watch this drama today will not remember the dialogues of Ertugrul Ghazi. The lessons contained in it will run like blood in their veins.

#Ertugrul Ghazi, son of Suleyman Shah

Ertuğrul was the son of Suleyman Shah, the leader of the Kayı tribe (a claim which has come under criticism from many historians of Oghuz Turks, who fled from western Central Asia to Anatolia to escape the Mongol conquests, but he may instead have been the son of Gündüz Alp. According to this legend, after the death of his father, Ertuğrul and his followers entered the service of the Sultanate of Rum, for which he was rewarded with dominion over the town of Söğüt on the frontier with the Byzantine Empire. This set off the chain of events that would ultimately lead to the founding of the Ottoman Empire. (From

By the way, one question is trending is critics about such episodes, How many times did Ertugrul Ghazi get married? Who is Ä°lbilge Hatun? The questions are asked by the audience of the Resurrection Ertugrul Series. In addition to the question of how many times Ertugrul was married? What happened after the death of Halime Hatun ? and Why he was removed from the series.?

How many times did Ertugrul Ghazi get married?

How many times did ErtuÄŸrul Bey get married:  ErtuÄŸrul Bey, who has been living for 93 years, married 1 time in history. He married Halime Hatun, who had only one marriage. With the death of Halime Hatun in 1281, ErtuÄŸrul Gazi also gained the right to the same year. He did not leave ErtuÄŸrul Gazi until his death. He has three sons named Savcı Bey, Gündüz Alp, and Osman Gazi. It is known that he died in 1281. Even now they lie side by side in the same place. The tombs are located in Bilecik / Sogut.

 Halime  Hatun left the series because the screenplay of the popular series DiriliÅŸ ErtuÄŸrul changed in the new season. The death of the show shocked all the audience with tears. No one would be expecting such type of drama story.

 Who is DIRILIÅž: OSMAN GAZI (rahimullah)?

Osman Ghazi
#leaders of the Kayi tribe
Osman (1259-1326) was the leader of the Kayi tribe, who formed an independent state out of which arose the great Osmanli/ Ottoman Empire. Born in 1259, Osman entered a world desperately in need of a leader. In Eastern Europe and the Middle East, several great empires were declining. The Byzantine Empire—the eastern Roman Empire based around the capital city of Constantinople (Istanbul)—had endured for nine centuries but was beginning the long process of decline. (From

 I have finished the four seasons full of every scene I love very much and a very big desire to play with the character of the new season, we ended due to the change of the new season. I am very grateful to you for seeing me like your family and your home from the very beginning to this day because you love me and own it.

 I watched the series until Halime Sultan died and could not watch anymore. Because the show is based on history (real-life events), I was so saddened by the loss of Halime and the remarriage of Etrurgrul Bey that I could not watch anymore. It is a very emotional show that brings sadness the majority of the time.



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Beyond Narrative | Blog Where Every Single Word Matters: Ertugrul Ghazi | A Real Warrior and a Hero of Islamic History
Ertugrul Ghazi | A Real Warrior and a Hero of Islamic History
Orientation of an Inspirational Session Ertugrul, in which exploring the real story of a Warrior and a Hero of Islamic History.
Beyond Narrative | Blog Where Every Single Word Matters
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