Understand the Game of Life through Music

In human life cycle, whether someone find positive or another find some negative moment but you should go with the rhythm of life, means you should expert to dance with any music.

 Life has a rhythm, if you understand this rhythm and act on this so what is it? its a dance. I mean, it looks like a music in life. For example when any motivational speaker is speaking on stage, and you listening to them then I sure you would realize that there is somewhat music in them and then if you consciously observe that they are expressing against such rhythm and words are coming out from them as it is, so what is it? It's a dance performing by such a motivational speaker against such rhythm. 


You should know that in everybody’s personal life, there such unique music, he/she has, and when they keep dancing against such music then one day all of the people, even the entire universe dancing with them as per their expectations. It is a huge statement if you can understand this otherwise it will take your whole life for understanding such a concept. 

In the human life cycle, whether someone finds positive or another finds some negative moment but you should go with the rhythm of life, means you should expect to dance with any music.

There is another statement that says that life also has music, to which you said that whether something is positive for me or there are some moments that are negative for me. You seem to be like other factors that influence you from outside of your stream, but all of these, contribute to your success and also contribute to your life if you understand deeply about this.


For instance, when someone is against you, you feel like he/she is stopping you from achieving something, like a barrier in your success but if you sub-consciously observe such rhythm then you would realize that whenever he/she stops you or criticize you there would be the creation of such an energy in you.

So that, do you understand what I am actually saying that whenever if someone, who is against you, looks like they want you to stop for achieving something and then you are excusing that you cannot do something due to that one stopping me or abusing me in my way.

Do you know? Why are you saying like this? because you cannot understand such rhythms and even not dancing to it. It completely means that you never understand the game of life, that’s why all of the problems come out there, But if you understand and what would be if you understand the game of life that when anybody against you or forwarding negative expression to you like: "Something is not for you" and discourage you like this by saying that "It is not possible that you could do this" and realize everyone that you will always have been failed and success is not for you all around. But expect of demotivation by listening all of these statements, one of the special energy will create in you if you trust in yourself, and it is only possible if you understand this game of life and dancing with the flow, So speak aloud that now I have to do this, and whatever challenges I have to be successful.

From where this energy relief, by negative and positive forces then your life is just like a battery cell where one side is positive and another side is negative when both combine together when you realize the rhythm of life & eventually the game of life. And as you blame your life towards excuses, (for example this is the problem or due to this reason, I cannot do something, etc.) But you should understand that point that along with positive motivation, even all such negative energy also contributes to you being successful.


One day, you will realize that your negative energy of yours was stronger in comparison of positive who encourage you to do something valuable in your life that somewhere places you in the comfort zone and on the contrary negative energy strongly urge you more hardly towards success even discourage you from doing this. This negative energy might be included more higher level, in which breaking the trust of you and any type of financial fraud with you are also included in negative force.
By mixing up all positive and negative forces, so there is coming out of a music /appears a rhythm according to which you must have danced on it as per God's directions then one day you will be successful.


#Call to Action #Connect dots of Life

Do you understand it? if there are only positive waves, no such negative music out there then dance is not possible, and your body is just an instrument through which such a dance (happiness, sadness, success, failure, etc.) is expressing, only a dead body not have of the those. However, same as in music, there are beats (thar, thar, thar…) and harmonium (flowing light music) not have any base and on the other hand in beats, its only wounds. When combining with them, there is creating of a music that liked by everyone and life is interesting itself, then there are no doubts about something because you know everybody in your life is helping you in building your dreams come true.

Example of Life Game (by playing Cricket): In other words, you aware that how many ways ball given to me as a batsman, it may be bouncer, over-bitch, short-bitch, etc. all of them ultimately help me to become one of the fantastic batsman. For instance, in your whole life, you got to play only with an over-pitch ball, show everyone that you are a nice batsman and after 2 years suddenly have to play with bouncer then what will happen, Are you a nice batsman, obviously not. One and only way to become a fantastic batsman is that you can play and stroke with any type of ball. And you will be fearless that I can play stroke against any type of ball while I got face in pitch.

Relevant to the above example sees how much you face negative someone in my life, see what happens, see how bad it is. Then you are in another real-world and YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY FEARLESS!

“Otherwise you feel fear in every situation of life,
whether you have to face stroke only over-bitch ball “

I mean you are ready for dance there is no matter how good or bad music you face, this is only the labels you put on it that it is good, or that is bad, for example, I don’t like beats (tabla in Hindi/Urdu), I like only harmonium where life is going smoothly and in the comfort zone as I like.

You got my point, labels are only you put on life events, but in life only what is going to happen, will happen, no one controls it except God. It’s God’s direction. I mean, I don’t know, you don’t know and even anybody doesn’t know what will happens in the next moment of life. It is beyond the goal, it is beyond expectation and it is beyond right & wrong and it is beyond success & failure –EVERYTHING

What I am saying is that you are on stage and your life is changing the music again and again so that you have only two ways out there, one of which is that you set a song in your mind ( I want only this song in my life) and wait until its play, example like you wait next four year, when I got such degree in your hand and then you would rock in future and dance on that music, maximum of the people in the world live like this. But you may say who conform that the next four years are in hand. I mean, no one knows that life going on at that time or not. All of you know this well that everyone's life is mortal (all humanity are subject to the dead someday) so that shouldn't be care what music is playing now, what is happening in this (NOW!) moment. You should completely have your mind on this (NOW!)

So what life is doing, it is used to changing music again and again, but you don't follow the rhythm of life and you choose a career in your life (e.g. waiting for such a particular music to play) that after four or six years learning in any college/university then after some time, I will do something special that would be enlightening in my life. And then you would realize that after four or six-year, the scope of that career have vanished, full of competition due to oversupply of manpower in that field and yours all of the studies become obsolete (e.g. now a day Artificial Intelligence expected to become a big reason for obsolescing many types of jobs in the future market)
And then after that time you don’t even able to get a job, So what will call to this such a failure where you so much worked hard for many years but could not get any result or anything out of this.

Then you are crying, and as usual, blaming others, say what happened with me, Do you know? Why is this happening with you? because you are instructing to life that play this music which one I have chosen to dance. 
Who you are? How dare you, instructing to life! Who you are? If you look at the mirror and see yourself then you would realize you are nothing but a human being stay in the earth of a universe. After knowing such fact you instructing life, this universe to play my chosen song, then I ONLY DANCE.

Universe says that I don’t listen to you, I don’t listen to anyone, what is going to happen, will be happening at all, if you understand the music, then dance otherwise cry on it. I don’t guarantee to you that your chosen song will play one day, after such a year, or for a proper time in the future.
For example in another phase, who is the best player, who is the best cricketer, best batsman, who is completely ready for stroking of any type of ball by any type of bowler someone has. I will play;
I don’t fear from anything I AM FEARLESS!

So that who is the best dancer, one is waiting for his/her particular song that might be played after something or might never be played anytime and practicing steps of that particular song again and again and become a master of dancing against such a particular song but the important thing is that he/she is not able to dance on any other song or even remix / changing some lyrics of that particular chosen song. And another person is like an open-minded and ready to face for all types of problems and difficulties.

The second one is so much interesting person that when he/she face an anonymous situation that not even dream of this such as:
SITUATION: She loves a person and marry with him, leaves out of her home because her marriage is against parents, families then her lover leaves her alone after just four days.
(or)- maybe… 
 You have suffered from cancer or any other serious disease, and you have so little time in your life.
But you will skill dancing or might be by the way:


This the best way of living our life, facing problems, and learn how to digest bad circumstances from the biographies of successful people in the world.



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Beyond Narrative | Blog Where Every Single Word Matters: Understand the Game of Life through Music
Understand the Game of Life through Music
In human life cycle, whether someone find positive or another find some negative moment but you should go with the rhythm of life, means you should expert to dance with any music.
Beyond Narrative | Blog Where Every Single Word Matters
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